NASA CR-2357 Feasilibility Study of an SSPS

• Investigation of transients associated with start-up, shut-down, and physical interference or dispersion due to clouds, atmospheric and ionospheric elements, aircraft and the onset of shadowing by the Earth. ® Investigations of effects of RFI due to data, control, and command links an^l frequency allocation for these links. © Acquisition of detailed data from Earth resource and ecological studies to guide receiving antenna site selection, supported by detailed data on characteristics of expected sidelobes and harmonics. o Investigation of RFI with ship-borne radar and other spectrum users based on detailed consideration of advanced technology achievable in amplitron device design and filtering. ® Identification of alternative approaches to compensate displaced users, possibly including amateur sharing, state police radar, and radio location from high-power defense radar in the 3.23 to 3.37 GHz band. Identification of Key Issues Technological Issues. - a. Microwave Generation, Transmission, and Rectification 1. Conclusions. — The microwave portion of the electromagnetic spectrum has been selected as tne most useful for SSPS power generation, transmission, and rectification. For the purpose of international discussions and negotiations which will be required to obtain a frequency allocation for the SSPS, devices capable of achieving the system performance of the SSPS, but operating in other spectral regions, will have to be investigated and documented. Although requirements for high efficiency, long life, and low cost constitute significant technical challenges for development of an appropriate microwave power system, many design resources — systems, materials, and devices — already exist and are adaptable to the SSPS. Significant effort is required to achieve near optimum characteristics for the micro wave generating devices, including low noise and harmonic output with high efficiency, long life, and low cost. Control of the large-aperture microwave power beam from pointing and focusing points of view requires the phase front to be controlled with significant precision and response, such that the total antenna should be made up of many controllable subarrays, but several schemes must be investigated to determine the approach to be taken. Illumination pattern studies for the antenna indicate moderate criticality with respect to suppression of side lobes and the recommended pattern must come from a progressive series of in-depth studies involving the structure, Amplitron, subarray, phase front control and biological effects of side lobes. Successful demonstration of high-efficiency rectification of microwaves to de is expected to show that the SSPS will be capable of generating power on Earth with an efficiency which has not yet been equalled by any known power generation method.