NASA CR-2357 Feasilibility Study of an SSPS

29. Selection of the Baseline Attitude Control System for the SSPS and a Stability and Performance Analysis of the Elastic Coupling between the Control System and the Spacecraft's Structural Modes, ASP-61 l-M-1009, Grumman Corporation, 21 September 1972. 30. Performance Evaluation and Parametric Sizing Study of the Baseline SSPS, ASP-61 l-M-1019 Grumman Corporation, 2 January 1973. 31. Sensitivity of Attitude Control Propellant Requirements to SSPS Deviation Angle Limits, ASP-611-M-1004, Grumman Corporation, 21 August 1972. 32. SSPS Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution System — Sizing Data and Internal Electro-Magnetic Forces, ASP-611-M-1007, Grumman Corporation, 23 August 1972. 33. Feasibility Study of Satellite Solar Power Station (SSPS), Spectrolab Report 6011-03, 4 October-1972. 34. Limitation on SSPS Control Forces So That Structural Rotations Will Not Exceed Satellite Pointing Accuracy of ± 1°, ASP-61 l-M-1018, Grumman Corporation, 6 December 1972. 35. Selection of the Baseline Attitude Control System for the SSPS and a Stability laid Performance Analysis of the Elastic Coupling between the Control System and the Spacecraft's Structural Modes, ASP-61 l-M-1009, Grumman Corporation, 21 September 1972. 36. Structural and Dynamic Analysis of the Satellite Solar Power Station, ASP-6 J 1-M-'020, Grumman Corporation, 2 January 1973. 37. SSPS Microwave Transmission System Model and Assumptions, Engineering Memorandum, File BII-P, Raytheon Company, Wayland, Mass., August 28, 1972. 38. Report ER-72-4038, Section, Raytheon Company, Wayland, Mass 39. Falcone, V.J., Jr., Atmospheric Attenuation of Microwave Power, J. Microwave Power, Vol. 5 No. 4, December 1970. 40. Valley, S.L., ed., Handbook of Geophysics and Space Environments, AFCRL Office of Aerospace Research, USAF 1965. 41. Medhurst, R.G., Comparison of Theory and Measurement, IEEE Transactions on Antenna Preparations, July 1965. 42. Memorandum for Record LKI/2954 RCS No. 2-18, Satellite Solar Power Station Study, 20 October 1972. Visit Report — Owen Maynard of Raytheon with N. Sissenwine, A. Kantor, 4. Salmeda, and D. Granthan of Design Climatology Branch, Aeronomy Laboratory. Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories (AFCRL), L.G. Hanscom Field, Bedford, Mass.