NASA CR-2357 Feasilibility Study of an SSPS

STRUCTURE AND CONTROL TECHNIQUES (Continued) Identification of Areas Requiring Further Structure and Dynamic Analysis 36 Flight Control Performance Evaluation of the Baseline SSPS 39 Summary 39 Ground Rules and Assumptions 39 Discussion 40 Identification of Areas Requiring Further Flight Control Performance Analysis 74 Conclusions 75 RFI AVOIDANCE TECHNIQUES 76 Optimization of Microwave Transmission System 76 Background 76 Discussion 77 Device Design and Expected RFI 79 Device Design 79 RF Spectrum Considerations for the SSPS Amplitron 90 Effects of SSPS RFI on Other Users 96 Transmitting Antenna and Nature of the Transmitted Beam 96 Noise from the SSPS 101 IDENTIFICATION OF KEY ISSUES 112 Key Technological Issues 112 Microwave Generation, Transmission, and Rectification 112 Solar Energy Conversion 120 Earth-to-Orbit Transportation 129 Orbital Assembly 132 Key Environmental Issues 132 Resource Use 132 Effects at the Receiving Antenna Site 133 Microwave Biological Effects 133 Ecological and Environmental Effects of Added Heat 140 Land Usage in the Receiving Antenna 148 Stratospheric Pollution with Shuttle Vehicle Exhaust Products 149 Other Booster Emissions 152 Tropospheric Pollution 453 Key Economic Issues 153 Key Cost Considerations 153 Key Economic Considerations 164