NASA CR-2357 Feasilibility Study of an SSPS

Cover 1
Untitled 3
TItle Page 5
Authors List 6
Table of Contents 7
Summary 15
Structure and Control Techniques 15
RFI Avoidance Techniques 15
System Optimization 15
Device Design 15
Effects of SSPS RFI on Other Users 15
Identification of Key Issues 16
Technological Issues 16
Environmental Issues 16
Economic Issues 16
Glossary of Symbols 17
Introduction 19
Baseline Dsign 20
Principles of a Satellite Solar Power Station 20
Location of Orbit 20
Solar Energy Conversion 22
Microwave Power Generation, Transmission, and Rectification 25
SSPS Flight Control 31
Earth-to-Orbit Transportation 31
Potential SSPS Power Levels [] 32
Structure and Control Techniques 33
Structural and Dynamic Analysis of the SSPS 33
Summary 33
Baseline Configuration 33
Structural Mathematical Model 38
Dynamic Mathematical Model 40
Input of Elastic Body Characteristics into Attitude Control System Analysis 41
Establishment of Flight Loading Conditions 44
Input of Flight and Control System Loadings into Structural Model to Determine Internal Loads and Structural Deflections 46
Assessment of Baseline Configuration for Internal Loads and Deflections 46
Assessment of Candidate Material Characteristics 49
Identification of Areas Requiring Further Structure and Dynamic Analysis 50
Flight Control Performance Evaluation of the Baseline SSPS 53
Summary 53
Ground Rules and Assumptions 53
Discussion 54
Identification of Areas Requiring Further Flight Control Performance Analysis 88
Conclusions 89
RFI Avoidance Techniques 90
Optimization of Microwave Transmission System 90
Background 90
Discussion 91
Device Design and Expected RFI 93
Device Design 93
RF Spectrum Considerations for the SSPS Amplitron 104
Effects of SSPS RFI on Other Users 110
Transmitting Antenna and Nature of the Transmitted Beam 110
Noise from the SSPS 115
Identification of Key Issues 126
Key Technological Issues 126
Microwave Generation, Transmission, and Rectification 126
Solar Energy Conversion 134
Earth-to-Orbit Transportation 143
Orbital Assembly 146
Key Environmental Issues 146
Resource Use 146
Effects at the Receiving Antenna Site 147
Microwave Biological Effects 147
Ecological and Environmental Effects of Added Heat 154
Land Usage in the Receiving Antenna 162
Stratospheric Pollution with Shuttle Vehicle Exhaust Products 163
Other Booster Emissions 166
Tropospheric Pollution 167
Key Economic Issues 167
Key Cost Considerations 167
Key Economic Considerations 186
Concluing Remarks and Rcommendations 199
Structure and Control Techniques 199
Conclusions 199
Recommendations 199
RFI Avoidance Techniques 200
Conclusions 200
Recommendations 200
Identification of Key Issues 201
Technological Issues 201
Environmental Issues 202
Economic Issues. 204
Program Phasing 204
References 206
REVISION OF SECTION: Pages 149-153 168
Stratospheric Pollution with Shuttle Exhaust Products 170
Other Booster Emissions 174