SPS Effects on Optical and Radio Astronomy

design for the power satellite include a calculation of a meaningful estimate of the albedo and its potential for change over the orbital lifetime of the system; and c) if active baffling is adopted, then the effect of its failure or any system failure on the albedo be estimated. 2. LEO structures - It was recommended that these structures be brought to a level of design at which their albedo can be computed and the impact assessed. 3. Atmospheric effects - It was recommended that a detailed calculation of the effect of the satellites on sky brightness be carried out for those meteorological conditions appropriate to real observatories. 4. Ionospheric heating - It was recommended that ionospheric and atmospheric heating calculations be used to actually estimate the effects of emitted optical and IR radiation on astronomy. 5. Further assessment - It was recommended that a more permanent group be created within the optical astronomy community in order to monitor the potential impacts of the SPS and other orbital systems on optical astronomy. Finally, the working group considered the possibility of mitigating the effect of the SPS on optical astronomy by performing the affected types of study with telescopes in space. It was noted that the development of the technology required for the SPS should make it both easier and cheaper to construct and maintain space telescopes. It is also widely recognized that a great deal of the future of astronomy will depend on developing space astronomy beyond current and planned levels and that some kinds of astronomy can only be done from space. Two problems were noted in association with any proposal that space astronomy might serve as a substitute for lost capability of ground-based telescopes. First, ground-based facilities have historically been used to complement those studies made from space, and the effect of the SPS will be to decrease that interaction. Second, it is always important to remember that astronomy is an observational rather than an experimental science. It has not