SPS Effects on Optical and Radio Astronomy

TABLE 1. Data Relevant to the SPS Reference System Geosynchronous Orbit Altitude Radius Satellite Spacing in Orbit Inclination of Planned Orbit Planned Number of Satellites Delivered Power Per Satellite - Rectenna Pair Dimensions of Solar Collector Blanket Area of Solar Collector Blanket Area of Transmitting Antenna Array Power Transmission Frequency Solid Angle Subtended by Satellite seen from Surface of Earth at Sub-Satellite Point . Angle Subtended by Satellite Solid Angle Subtended by the Transmitting Array Angle Subtended by Transmitting Array Angle Subtended by Earth seen from Synchronous Orbit Angle Subtended by Sun, Average Solid Angle Subtended by Sun, Average Satellite Solid Angle as a Fraction of Sun Solid Angle Antenna Solid Angle as a Fraction of Sun Solid Angle Illuminance of Brightest Moonlight as a Fraction of Noon Sunlight Illuminance of Venus at Maximum Brilliance (m = -4.3) as a Fraction of Noon Sunlight Effective Aperture of an Ideal Isotropic Antenna at 2.45 GHz (X = 0.122 m) X2/4n