SPS Effects on Optical and Radio Astronomy

SPS-GENERATED FIELD STRENGTHS AT 2.45 GHz, TYPICAL EFFECTS W. Grant NOTE: Dr. Grant reviewed the Institute for Telecommunication Sciences' studies of RFI and EMI effects on a wide variety of electronic equipment. Unfortunately, no written version is available, and copies of his slides do not themselves form an understandable account of his wide-ranging presentation. The four figures which follow (based on his slides) are those most directly relevant to astronomy effects. Figure 1 presents calculated main beam power densities at two National Radio Astronomy Observatory sites resulting from two candidate rectenna locations. Figure 2 presents for comparison estimated thresholds for the VLA Receiver adjacent channel overload effects. On both Figures 1 and 2 the fundamental frequency of 2.45 GHz is denoted fgj the second harmonic at 4.90 GHz is denoted f^. Figure 3 shows a calculated contour map of 2.45 GHz power density for one candidate rectenna site. Figure 4 shows calculated SPS transmitting antenna power gain versus angle from pattern center (theta). FIGURE 1. Typical NRO Candidate Rectenna Site Interference Relationships