SPS Effects on Optical and Radio Astronomy

most data types; video images can be acceptable quality with a somewhat higher error rate. Spacecraft navigation is accomplished by Doppler tracking and range (distance) measurement. EFFECTS OF INTERFERENCE Radio frequency interference can affect two vital functions: carrier tracking and data detection. Interference that falls within the carrier tracking loop bandwidth can introduce phase jitter which gives rise to noisy Doppler data. In severe cases, the receiver will lose lock on the desired signal. Interference within the data bandwidth can increase the error rate, and ultimately cause complete loss of data. The end result of radio frequency interference is a degradation of data quality, and, in some cases, irretrievable loss of scientific information. PROTECTION CRITERIA Interference protection criteria for deep-space communications have been developed and are contained in CCIR Report 685 and the associated Recommendation 365-3 (see Appendix B). Table 1 lists the criteria: TABLE 1. Protection Criteria for Deep-Space Communications