SPS Effects on Optical and Radio Astronomy

In answering the latter question, bear in mind that this report will be read by many people who do not much care about astronomy, and do not necessarily understand the significance and value of data on an object such as a galaxy. It will also be read by persons who care so much about astronomy that no other consideration--such as a society's need for energy--weighs very heavily. If our report is to be influential, both groups must be able to agree that the issues have been addressed fairly. As you bear in mind this diverse audience, remember as well that any eventual SPS built 20 years from now will likely differ from the Reference System in many ways we cannot now anticipate. The most useful kinds of statements will be those which are not only obviously fair and penetrating, but also easily applied to all future system variants that may be proposed. We have our work cut out for us. Thank you. (These remarks delivered by R. A. Stokes.)