SPS Effects on Optical and Radio Astronomy

Cover 1
Title Page 3
Table of Contents 5
Introduction and Summary 11
Workshop Opening Statement 23
Introduction 25
Background 25
Organization of the Workshop 25
Organization of the Report 26
Basic Conclusions of the Workshop 29
SPS Briefing Document - Radio and Optical Astronomy Effects 33
Introduction 35
General Characteristics of the SPS Reference System 36
Satellite Optical Effects 37
A. Diffuse Reflection 37
B. Specular Reflction 38
C. Diffuse Sky Brightness 39
D. Satellite Thermal Infrared Emission 41
E. Ionosperic Infrared and Optical Emissions 41
Radio Effects 43
A. Satellite Main Power Bean 43
B. Satellite Harmonic Radiation 44
C. Satellite Noise Radiation 44
D. Rectenna Powre Beam Scattering 46
E. Rectenna Harmonic Radiation 46
F. Rectenna Noise Radiation 46
Appendix: TIme-Varying Brightness of the Solar Collecting Array 49
Invited Presentations of SPS Effects on Optical Astronomy 51
Limitations of the Briefing Document's Characterization of the SPS Reference System 53
Comments of the Effects of Increased Diffuse SKy Brightness of Fint Object Astronomical Observations 57
Effects of the SPS on Ground-Based Astronomical Telescopes 63
Infrared Astronomy 69
Possible Impacts of the SPS on the Space Telescope 71
Report of the Optical Astronomy Working Group 75
The Nature of Astronomical Observations 78
The Origin of SPS Effects on Optical Astronomy 88
Impact Thresholds of the SPS on Optical Astronomy 93
Effects on Optical Astronomy 99
Recommendations and Remedies 101
Report on SPS Effects on Aeronomy 105
Introduction 107
Effects on Aeronomy Observations 109
Invited Presentations on SPS Effects on Radio Astronomy 119
Microwave Power Transmission System 121
SPS Noise and Harmonics 127
SPS-Generated Field Strengths at 2.45Ghz, Typical Effects 143
Interference Effects on Radio Astronomy Equipment 147
Possible Overeload and Physical Damge of a Radio Astronomy Receiver Caused by the SPS 151
Potential Impact of Out-Of-Band Radiation from the SPS At Arecibo Observatory 155
THe Effects of te Proposed SPS on the VLA 159
SPS Effects on Very-Long Baseline Interferometry 167
Considerations Regarding Deep Space Communication and the SPS 171
Report of the Radio Astronomy Working Group 176
Summary Statement 177
Actual Properties of the Microwave Power Transmission System 180
Assignment of SPS Harmonic Frequencies 181
Time-Variability of SPS Off-Axis Radiation and Intrinsic Multiple Satellite Effects 181
The "Rusty Bolt" Effect 182
Interference Rejection Properties Peculiar to Synthesis Arrays (as the VLA) 183
Siting Considerations 184
On Moving Radio Astronomy to the Lunar Far Side 186
Appendix A: CCIR Reports on Radio Astronomy (Reports 223-4 and 224-4) 189
A Note on CCIR Report 224-4 AND THE FUTURE 190
A 10 TO 20 Year Protection 191
223-4: Line Frequencies Arising From Natural Phenomena of Interest to Radioastronomy and Related Sciences 195
Annex I The Neutral Hydrogen Line 206
Annex II Th OH Lines in Radioastronomy 208
Annex III Water Vapour Line at 22.235 GHz 212
Annex IV The Formaldehyde Lines 215
Annex V The Carbon Monoxide Lines 216
Report 224-6 Charactertics on the Radioastronomy Services and Interference Protection Criteria 217
Annex I Radio-frequency Lines of the Greatest Importance to Radioastronomy 230
Appendix B: CCIR Reports on Deep-Space Research (Reports 365-3 and 685) 231
Recommendation 365-3 Frequncies, Bndwidth and Protection Critieria for Manned And Unmanned Deep-Space Research 233
Recommendation 364-3 Telecommunication Links for Manned and Unmanndd Near-Earth Research Satellites 235
Report 685 Protection Criteria and Sharing Considerations Relating to Deep-Space Research 237
Appendix C. Effect of SPS Transmissions on Radio Astronomical Resaerch 247
Chairman's Note 248
Effect of Solar Power Satellite transmissions on radio astronomical research 249
1. Introduction 249
2. The present proposals for a Solar Power Satellite System (SPS) 250
3. Interference with radio telescopes 250
4. Operational circumstances 251
5. Filtering requirements 253
6. Discussion 255
7. Conclusions 256
References and Notes 257
Appendix D. National Academy of Sciences Report on SPS Effects 259
Solar Power Satellite - Assessment of Potential for Interference to Radio Astronomy Observations 260
Appendix E. Environmental Consideration for the Microwave Beam from a SPS 263
Environmental Considerations for the Microwave Beam from a SPS 264
Acknowledgments 270