Systems Definition Space Based Power Conversion

Table 4-7. Influence of Cycle Max. Temperature Table 4-14. Influence of Cycle Maximum Pressure on Recuperator/Cooler Mass Table 4-8. Influence of Cycle Temperature Ratio on Recuperator/Cooler Mass Table 4-9. Influence of Recuperator Effectiveness on Recuperator/Cooler Mass Table 4-10. Influence of the Beta Factor on Recuperator/Cooler Mass Table 4-11. Influence of the Turbine Efficiency on Recuperator/Cooler Mass Table 4-12. Influence of the Compressor Efficiency on Recuperator/Cooler Mass Table 4-13. Influence of Recuperator Pressure Drop on Recuperator/Cooler Mass Table 4-15. Influence of Cooler Effectiveness on Cooler Mass Table 4-16. Influence of the Ratio of Liquid and Gas Side Cooler Effectiveness on Cooler Mass Table 4-17. Influence of Cycle Maximum Temperature on Turbocompressor Mass Table 4-18. Influence of Beta Factor on Turbocompressor Mass Table 4-19. Influence of Beta Factor on Turbocompressor Mass Table 4-20. Influence of Compressor Efficiency on Turbocompressor Mass