Systems Definition Space Based Power Conversion

6.0 COST 6.1 BASELINED AUXILIARY SYSTEMS Low orbit construction and self powered transfer to geosynchronous orbit was baselined, due to the apparent lower cost of this approach. The launch vehicle baselined was the Class IV, single stage to orbit, from the Heavy Lift Launch Vehicle study. The electric propulsion concepts and the chemical OTV maintenance freighter concepts were drawn from the Future Space Transportation System Analysis Study. Figure 6-1 is the low orbit launch vehicle; Figure 6-2 is the chemical OTV maintenance freighter. Fig. 6-1. Heavy Lift Launch Vehicle Fig. 6-2. Chemical OTV Maintenance Freighter In the self power concept electric power produced by a SPS module built in low orbit energizes thrusters which raise it to high Orbit. The propulsion system consists of magnetoplasmadynamic (MPD) thrusters, argon propellant tanks, electric power processors, controls, gimbals, frames, etc. Figure 6-3 gives quantities and masses associated with each emphasized SPS concept Fig. 6-3. Self Power Requirements Figures 6-4 through 6-10 show assembly and support stations baselined for the various SPS concepts. Fig. 6-4. Thermal Engine SPS Assembly Station Fig. 6-5. Thermionic SPS Assembly Station