Effect on Biologicals from Reflected SPS Light

SUMMARY It is difficult to determine all of the proper!ties of reflected light necessary to evaluate effects on the biology of exposed animals. In particular, the exact timing of the light with reference to the endogenous photo-sensitive rhythm, as well as the predictability of nocturnal illumination from the standpoint of daily and seasonal exposure must be known for each species. However, consideration of the fundamental nature of this light -- in particular, its intensity and duration -- suggests that further definition would not be productive. The estimated levels and duration of both diffuse and specular reflections are in most cases so low that no major detrimental action can be anticipated. Values of irradiance, for the worst case calculated, approach significant levels for many animals and surely surpass safe limits for some; however, the erratic nature of this light would ameliorate any long-term effects on most known processes. An immediate detrimental effect at the time of a reflected pulse of light, such as might result from the frightening of animals in the middle of the night, cannot be ignored, but, in most cases, the level of illumination produced by reflections would be insufficient to produce such alarm.