Effect on Biologicals from Reflected SPS Light

INTRODUCTION An assessment of the impact which reflected light from large Satellite Power Systems (SPS) would have on the biosphere includes an analysis of the effect of reflected light on plants. Because of the very large size of 2 2 both the solar cells (55 km ) and microwave antenna (1 km ) as well as the other components of the Baseline System and the relatively low altitude of some components of the Baseline System, the reflections will be very bright (1). During daytime, the specular reflection from Orbit Transfer Vehicles 2 (OTV) can reach an irradiance of 2 W/m in a spot 25 km across moving at a speed of 8 km/sec (1). The brightest nighttime reflection will come 2 2 from the SPS antenna with an irradiance of 0.01 W/m in a spot 350 km moving at a speed of 150 km/sec. We have assessed the impact of this radiation on plant growth and development by conducting a thorough review of the literature and by consultation with other experts in the field of plant photobiology. For convenience of analysis we have dealt separately with the effects of reflected light which affect processes occurring in plants during daylight hours and include effects on both plant development and photosynthesis and those which occur at night and affect the development of the plant.