Climate and Energy Assessment of SPS and Alternatives

always the case for smaller geographic scales, as Figure 2.2 illustrates. The figure is a plot of energy density versus area for different locations. Net surface radiation is shown on the graph for comparison. Some highly developed urban areas of 100-1000 km^ are currently releasing more energy to the environment than the net surface radiation. In the future, energy releases of such magnitudes may not be limited to urban areas. Some consideration has been given to the future construction of large energy centers or parks in which 20,000 to 50,000 MW of electrical energy will be produced on one 100-km^ site. This would result in substantial savings in construction costs, maintenance, safeguards, and transmission lines compared to dispersed individual facilities. However, the waste heat rejection from such a power park would be 4 to 10 times the global average net radiation at the surface. It is apparent that man is capable of, and in fact is currently, releasing as much or more energy to the environment in certain regions than Fig. 2.2. Anthropogenic Energy Densities Compared to Net Surface Radiation over Various Areas