Climate and Energy Assessment of SPS and Alternatives

released from typical suburban developments. This waste heat release is less than 10% of the average solar net radiation at the surface; however, it is suspected that changes in surface roughness, due to the rectenna structure, and the rectenna's albedo itself will contribute more significantly to atmospheric perturbations than the waste heat from power conversion. Although the perturbation of surface heat exchange caused by the rectenna is of the order of 10%, more significant impacts may result due to nonlinear interactions in the atmosphere on both the regional scale (10 to 100 km) and "cloud" scale (<10 km). On these scales, the rectenna may produce small temperature changes (1°C) in conditions of light wind. Changes in the amount of cloudiness can also be expected, whereas anomalies in the distribution of precipitation are less likely, but still possible. The atmospheric impacts will depend on ambient atmospheric conditions and should be mainly site specific. 3.3.2 Microwave Transmission Impacts Microwave transmission through the troposphere will result in a certain amount of microwave energy absorption. This absorption will occur chiefly within various hydrometeors in the atmosphere, particularly in clouds. This will result in local heating, which can enhance turbulence and possibly alter atmospheric circulation. However, microwave heating of the troposphere due to absorption by gases or hydrometeors will be extremely small. It is not expected that this heating will have any significant effect on the dynamics and thermodynamics of clouds or other hydrometeors. Conversely, these tropospheric hydrometeors may cause the microwave beam to spread and wander.$1 3.3.3 Impact of Rocket Effluents Construction of an SPS will require numerous launches of heavy-lift launch vehicles (HLLVs). These launches will result in the emission of various combustion products into the lower and upper atmosphere.$0 The primary exhaust products will be carbon dioxide and water, but at various altitudes some quantities of sulfur dioxide, hydrogen, and oxygen will be emitted.