Climate and Energy Assessment of SPS and Alternatives

LIST OF FIGURES 2.1 World Energy Use Between 1925 and 1971........................... 7 2.2 Anthropogenic Energy Densities Compared to Net Surface Radiation over Various Areas .................. 11 2.3 Annual Production of CO2 from Fossil Fuels and Cement....................................................23 2.4 Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations.......................................23 2.5 Major Reservoirs and Exchanges in the CO2 Cycle......................24 LIST OF TABLES 1 Energy Released per Unit of Useful Energy Produced by Different Technologies ........................ x 2 Annual Primary Particulate Emissions from U.S. Coal-Fired Utilities Compared with Annual Particulate Emissions from All Sources........................................... xi 3 Projected Annual Emissions of CO2 from U.S. Utility Coal Combustion Compared with Projected Annual World Emissions of CO2.......................................................xii 2.1 Current and Projected Global Anthropogenic Energy Release......... 7 2.2 Projections of Future Global Energy Release and Resulting Surface Temperature Response ........................... 9 2.3 Summary of Urban Effects on Summer Precipitation at Nine Locations...................................................... 13 2.4 Hail-Day Increases for Eight Cities.................................. 13 2.5 Energy Production Rates of Natural Atmospheric Processes and Anthropogenic Sources..................................... 15 2.6 Estimates of Source Contributions to Atmospheric Particulate Matter ......................................... 18 2.7 Atmospheric Response to Fossil Fuel CO2 Input....................... 26 2.8 Predictions by Different Models of Surface Temperature Response to a Doubling of CO2.................................29 2.9 Major Climatic Feedback Mechanisms ................................ 33 2.10 Greenhouse Effect Arising From Increases in Various Trace Atmospheric Constitutents...............................35 3.1 Energy Use in Coal-Fired Utilities in the United States and Global Energy Use......................................... 38 3.2 Annual Primary Particulate Emissions from U.S. Coal-Fired Utilities Compared to Annual Particulate Emissions from All Sources....................................................39