Climate and Energy Assessment of SPS and Alternatives

Cover 1
Title Page 3
Acknowledgments 5
Definitions of Unit Symbols 6
Table of Contents 7
Executive Summary 11
Abstract 17
1 Introduction 17
2 Anthropogenic Impacts on Climate 21
2.1 Waste Heat 21
2.1.1 Sources of Waste Heat 21
2.1.2 Global Impacts 24
2.1.3 Regional Impacts 26
2.1.4 Local Impacts 31
2.2 Atmospheric Particles 33
2.2.1 Sources and Sinks of Atmospheric Particles 33
2.2.2 Potential Climatic Response 36
2.3 Carbon Dioxide 37
2.3.1 Increase of Atmospheric 38
2.3.2 Global Carbon Budget 38
2.3.3 Projected Future CO2 Levels 43
2.3.4 Climatic Response to Increased CO2 Levels 44
2.3.5 Possible Mitigating Measures 47
2.4 Uncertainties Concerning Climatic Change 48
2.4.1 Feedback Mechanisms 48
2.4.2 Natural Climatic Fluctuations 49
2.4.3 Other Forcing Parameters 50
3 Energy Technology Impacts on Climate 53
3.1 Coal Technologies 53
3.1.1 Waste Heat Impacts 53
3.1.2 Impact of Particle Releases 54
3.1.3 CO2 Impacts 55
3.1.4 Other Impacts 57
3.2 Nuclear Technologies 57
3.2.1 Waste Heat Impacts 57
3.2.2 Other Impacts 58
3.3 Satellite Power System 58
3.3.1 Rectenna Waste Heat Effects 58
3.3.2 Microwave Transmission Impacts 59
3.3.3 Impact of Rocket Effluents 59
3.4 Photovoltaic Systems 61
3.4.1 Waste Heat Impacts 61
3.4.2 Secondary Impacts 62
3.5 Fusion Systems 62
3.6 Comparison of the Climatic Impacts of the 5 Technologies 63
4 Uncertainties and Conclusions 67
4.1 Uncertainties and Gaps in the Data 67
4.2 Conclusions 68
References 71
Back Cover (source of the document to SSI) 80