SPS Concept Development Reference System Report

37. "Space Construction Automated Fabrication Experiment Definition Study," General Dynamics Convair Div., CASD-ASP-77-017, Contract NAS9-15310, May 1978 (N78-2511 through 25113). 37. a. "Large Space Erectable Structures Study," NAS9-14914, Boeing Aerospace Company, April 1977. Rectenna Construction 38. "Feasibility Study for Various Approaches to the Structural Design and Arrangement of the Ground Rectenna for the Proposed Satellite," Bovay Engineers, Inc., Contract NAS9-15280, May 1977. Technology Advancement 39. "Preliminary Assessment of Technology Advancement Requirements for Space Solar Power," Johnson Space Center, JSC-12702, March 1977. I, Economic and Political 40. "An Initial Comparative Assessment of Orbital and Terrestrial Central Power System," R. Caputo, Jet Propulsion Lab., JPL-D0C-900-780, March 1977 (N77-22612). 41, . "Impacts and Benefits of a Satellite Power System on the Electric Utility Industry," Arthur D. Little, Inc., C-80020, Contract 954639 (JPL), July 1977 (N78-24255). 42. "Political and Legal Implications of Developing and Operating a Satellite Power System," Econ, Inc., EC0N-77-195-1, Contract 954625 (JPL), August 1977 (N7S^25003). 43. "A Study of Some Economic Factors Relating to Development and Implementation of Satellite Power Systems, NASA-CR-150602, Contract NASS- 32698 (N78-19654).