SPS Concept Development Reference System Report

(IOTV) transfers cargo and crew between the HLLV and the EOTV/OTV/LEO base, and at GEO transfers cargo between the EOTV and the GEO bases. All launch operations take place at a single launch site. In addition to HLLV launch facilities per se the launch site includes facilities for: receiving, storage and processing of satellite and EOTV construction materials, spares, and propellants; fabrication and subassembly of selected satellite elements; payload packaging; storage, refurbishment and checkout of the HLLV, POTV and IOTV fleets; space crew support operations; and space and ground crew administration. The continuing operations taking place in LEO are: EOTV servicing and maintenance; IOTV servicing and maintenance; transfer of up and down payloads between HLLV's and OTV's; integration of POTV stages and assembly of crew/ payload modules to the upper stage; and staging of spent POTV stages and down crews and integration of same into HLLV's for the LEO-to-earth transfer. (Additionally, the EOTV's are constructed in LEO, an operation which takes place during the early program, with the possibility of additional units being constructed late in the program.) Construction material for each satellite is transported to LEO in 175 separate HLLV flights. The HLLV flights will be scheduled to coincide with EOTV availability in LEO to permit direct cargo transfer. Five days are required for EOTV loading with their departure for GEO scheduled approximately every five days. The LEO-GEO-LEO transport cycle requires 161 days, which includes allowances for loading, unloading and refurbishment. Upon EOTV return to LEO the down cargo (packing materials, damaged equipment/materials, consumables containers) is off loaded to the HLLV and the scheduled EOTV maintenance of replacing thruster grids and replacing the empty argon tanks with full tanks is accomplished prior to rescheduling. Satellite construction and maintenance crews are carried to LEO by HLLV's, utilizing crew modules which can accommodate 48 people each plus consumables for 90 days. For GEO-destined crews the module, is mated with two chemical propulsion stages in LEO to become a POTV which transfers the crew to