SPS Concept Development Reference System Report

GEO. The fueled stages are also delivered to LEO by the HLLV and arrive concurrent with the crew module. Crews which have completed their 90-day GEO duty cycle are transported to LEO by returning POTV's. The crew module with its crew and the two spent stages are then returned to earth via HLLV's. Featured in this scenario is the concept of direct transfer of cargo from the HLLV to the EOTV thus precluding the requirement for a large LEO staging depot and double handling of cargo and crews. Because the on-going LEO operations are primarily those of traffic control and light maintenance, only a small permanent base with a 30-man crew is currently projected. At GEO a single integrated satellite construction base (SCB) is employed in building the entire fleet of satellites. The SCB is the location of all GEO construction activities. All EOTV cargo is transferred via the IOTV directly to the warehouse area on the SCB, POTV's dock directly with the SCB, and all construction crews live and work on the SCB. Incorporated in each satellite is a small, permanently manned operations and maintenance base sized for a 24-man crew. Logistical support of these bases is through the same launch site and LEO base which supports satellite construction. Operational control of each satellite is through its designated rectenna site and is an integrated function of both the onboard crew and the ground rectenna site crew. Satellite operations and maintenance crews are transported directly to their assigned satellite by POTV's and will be rotated at 90-day intervals. Maintenance materials are transported to the satellite via HLLV/EOTV. GEO Satellite Construction Base (SCB) - Each satellite is constructed at its designated GEO longitudinal location. The satellite construction base (SCB) produces satellites at the rate of 4 per year during the mature portion of the program. Upon completion of one satellite, the base is moved to the operational location of the next satellite and construction is initiated. The construction base, shown in Figure R-28sconsists of the satellite construction fixture, the construction equipment, and the base support facilities