SPS Concept Development Reference System Report

By the 51st day all satellite hardware has been delivered. On-site logistics activities are therefore greatly reduced freeing construction support personnel for subsystems hookup and checkout during the wing No. 2 construction period. Use of the construction facility is completed on day 78 and it is transferred (flyaway) to the construction site of the next satellite on day 84. Final satellite checkout and acceptance testing is completed on day 86. LEO Base - The continuous support functions of the LEO base include supervision of cargo and crew transfers between HLLV's and OTV's, scheduled maintenance of EOTV's (changeout of thruster screens and argon propellant tanks) and IOTV's, and up and down traffic monitoring. No depot function is provided for normal transfer of cargo and crew. It is estimated that these activities can be supported by a crew of 30. The permanent LEO base is shown in Figure R-33. It includes one crew habitat module and one crew support module which are of the same configurations as those modules used on the GEO SOB. The operations control and staging module provides multiple docking ports for emergency staging support. Construction of the electric OTV's is scheduled to take place in LEO. The fleet buy for the entire program is 70 units based on a 10 year life. These vehicles can be constructed at the rate of 27 days per unit utilizing a crew of 188 men (36 construction workers plus 11 supporting crewmembers per shift). The EOTV construction facility will be manned early in the program (prior to initiation of satellite construction), but only intermittently thereafter. Cargo Handling Mass Flow - Delivery requirements to meet the construction schedule of reference Figure R-30 are defined by the mass flow demand schedule of Figure R-34. This schedule requires that all materials except the antenna component be delivered in the first 72 days of construction. Payload compositions and delivery sequence must support the individual subsystems demands. The aluminum cassettes, solar array blankets, and reflector rolls must be scheduled early in the traffic flow, since wing construction commences