... On the Modification of the Upper Atmosphere by SPS..

APPENDIX C ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ACS Attitude Control System ATS Satellite, referenced in Section 4.6.2, not explained Barium Release Atomic barium has a metastable state which is "pumped” by sunlight so that its effective ionization potential is very low (% 5 eV). Thus a barium release enhances the ionization. In this sense it is the opposite of a water or hydrogen release which reduces the ambient ionization. Birkeland Currents These are strong and variable currents observed in the auroral zone. They run along the geomagnetic field lines and connect the cold ionospheric plasma with the hot plasma in the magnetosphere. These currents increase during magnetic storms when auroral activity increases. CAMEO Satellite experiment, see Section 4.6.3, Item 1 COTV Cargo Orbital Transfer Vehicle, see Appendix B Domain A 70-120 km } B 450-500 km, } See Table 2 C 500-35,000 km } EA Environmental Assessment FIREWHEEL Satellite experiment, see Section 4.6.3, Item 3 GEO Geostationary Earth Orbit (36,000 km approximately) GEOS Satellite, referenced in Section 4.6.2, not explained GREYHOUND Satellite experiment, see Section 4.6.1, Item 2 9 GW Gigawatt (10 watt) HEAO-C Third High-Energy Astrophysical Observatory, satellite launched in September 1979 HF High Frequency (3-30 MHz), refers to radiowaves which are reflected from the ionospheric F-region and are thus useful tor long-range telecommunications. The technology is simple and inexpensive and the frequency band is very heavily used, both domestically and internationally.