... On the Modification of the Upper Atmosphere by SPS..

APPENDIX C - Continued Highwater Release of water ballast at 100-200 km during two initial Saturn flights. See Debus et al, 1964 HLLV Heavy Lift Launch Vehicle, see Appendix B HZE (Particles), High Atomic Number (Z) and Energy particles in magnetosphere, present major radiation hazard to people and electronics IMS International Magnetospheric Study ISEE Satellite, referenced in Section 4.6.2, not explained Ionosphere Region in upper atmosphere in which ionization is important. One distinguishes between the D-region (<90 km), the E-region (90— 150 km), and the F-region (>150 km; maximum in ionization near 300 km), which have successively higher electron densities and thus scatter successively high frequency electromagnetic waves. -9 keV kilo-electron volt (1.6 x 10 erg) LAGOPEDO Water injection in F-region, through burn of approximately 100 kg high explosive which puts HO, CO2 and N2, etc., in the atmosphere, and thus reduces ionization locally. Launched by rocket. LEO Low Earth Orbit (500 km nominal) L-values Geomagnetic coordinate, distance from center of earth as a fraction of earth radius 3 MT Metric Ton (10 kg). Term used in RSR, 1978 and PEA, 1978 MT-HE Megaton of High Explosive (4.18 x 10^ joule) Mesosphere Region in the atmosphere from the temperature maximum near 50 km, the "stratopause” to the temperature minimum near 85 km, the "mesopause”. Includes much of the ionospheric D-region. The temperature maximum at the stratopause is due to the absorption of solar UV by ozone. Nacreous Clouds See Section 2.4.2 NLC Noctilucent Cloud, see Section 2.4.1 OMS Orbital Maneuvering System (on Space Shuttle) OPEN See Section 4.6.3, Item 2 PEA Preliminary Environmental Assessment, reference PEA, 1978.