... On the Modification of the Upper Atmosphere by SPS..

APPENDIX D AMBIENT ATMOSPHERIC LOADINGS FOR DIFFERENT SPECIES For orientation, the ambient atmospheric loadings of relevant species in the appropriate domains are listed here. Some of the numbers are written with three digits to minimize internal roundoff errors: this does not imply significance. In integration over height z, the symbol (A) means that 70 km < z < 120 km, i.e., the integration goes over Domain A, (B) means that 450 km < z < 500 km (Domain B), and 500 km < z < 1000 km (Domain C-l). The surface area of the earth is written as A_ = 5.11 x 101 m . e D.l WATER IN DOMAIN A. (a) From the recent compilation of A. Aikin shown in Fig. D.l, we have (b) If one uses the suggestion of a mixing ration of 5 ppmv (see, e.g., Section 2.3) and the number density data from USSA, 1976, pp. 91-92, one finds The agreement between these two estimates must be considered satisfactory in view of the poor knowledge we have of water in the mesophere. Note that 98% of all this water vapor lies below 90 km altitude. For comparison, from Fig. D.l we find so that, using Aikin's results, in Domain A approximately 83% of all hydrogen atoms are found as H2O, 15% as H2 and 2% as H. D.2 NITRIC OXIDE IN DOMAIN A From Fig. D.l we find