... On the Modification of the Upper Atmosphere by SPS..

APPENDIX E REFERENCES AIAA (1979), "Solar Power Satellites: An AIAA Position Paper," Astronautics & Aeronautics, 17, 14. S.I. Akasofu (1977),"Physics of Magnetosphere Substorms," D. Reidel, Dordrecht, Holland. D.N. Anderson and P.A. Bernhardt (1978), "Modeling the Effects of an Gas Release on the Equatorial Ionosphere," J. Geophys. Res. 83, 4777. P.R. Arendt (1971), "Ionospheric Undulations following Apollo 14 Launching," Nature, 231, 438. P.R. Arendt (1972), "Ionospheric Shock Front from Apollo 15 Launching," Nature, 236, 8. F. Arnold and D. Krankowsky (1977), "Water Vapor Concentrations at the Mesosphere," Nature, 268, 218. AWS (1974) "Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Users Guide," Report AWS-TR-74-250, Air Weather Service, U.S.A.F. K.D. Baker, A.F. Nagy, R.O. Olsen, E.S. Oran, J. Randhawa, D.F. Strobel and T. Tohmatsu (1977, "Measurement of the Nitric Oxide Altitude Distribution in the Mid-latitude Mesosphere,"!. Geophys. Res. 82, 3281. C.A. Barth (1966), "Nitric Oxide in the Upper Atmosphere," Ann. Geophys. 22, 198. E. Bauer (1974), "Dispersion of Tracers in the Atmosphere and Ocean: Survey and Comparison of Experimental Data," J. Geophys. Res. 79, 789. E. Bauer (1978),'^ Catalog of Perturbing Influences of Stratospheric Ozone, 1955-1975," Report FAA-EQ-78-20, Federal Aviation Administration, September 1978. E. Bauer (1979), "Workshop on the Possibilities of Upper Atmospheric Experiments in Support of the Satellite Power System - Environmental Assessment - Strawman Draft," La Jolla Institute LJI-TN-79-023. B. Benech and J. Dessens (1974), "Mid-Latitude Artificial Noctilucent Clouds Initiated by High-Altitude Rockets," J. Geophys. Res. 79, 1299. P.A. Bernhardt (1976), "The Response of the Ionosphere to the Injection of Chemically Reactive Vapors," Stanford Electronics Labs., Technical Report #17. M.A. Biondi (1973), "The Effects of Ion Complexity on Electron-ion Recombination," Comments At. Mol. Phys. 4_, 85.