... On the Modification of the Upper Atmosphere by SPS..

where 6$ is the angle subtended by the sun in degrees. Taking 6$ = .5 deg., Eq. (3)' gives Iq = 2.99 x 10 watts/cm or 299 ergs/cm /sec. This is a factor of 3 x 10 larger than that from the SPS. Hence, the atmospheric effect of the IR radiation from the SPS is small in comparison to the existing effect due to the solar radiation. However, the SPS will appear as a bright IR star, and as such it may pose a troublesome background for IR astronomy. The background problem would, of course, be compounded if 30 such satellites were present in the night sky. The scattering of visible solar radiation by the SPS will also present a deleterious background for ground astronomy as discussed in the accompanying material by G. T. Davidson. F.5 Davidson "The Effects of Ar+ on the Magnetosphere." Dr. Davidson was unable to attend the workshop but submitted this note which supplements the conclusions of Sections 4.3 and 4.4. THE EFFECTS OF AR+ IN THE MAGNETOSPHERE G. T. Davidson Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratory The major anticipated environmental effects of Ar+ ions have mainly to do either with disturbance of the ionosphere or with disturbance of the trapped radiation belts. These have been addressed by a recent series of reports, primarily by the Aerospace Corporation group. This note is to point out where the important unresolved problems may lie.