... On the Modification of the Upper Atmosphere by SPS..

further study in order to reduce uncertainties in the environmental impact of the SPS transportation system to acceptable levels. The initial object was to identify atmospheric experiments in this context, but many current questions first need theoretical answers before one goes to the complication of atmospheric experiments. The organizational plan was the following, designed to produce results quickly and with optimum input from a wide range of experts. A strawman draft (Bauer, 1979) was prepared to set up the structure of the study and to define questions to be addressed. The document was circulated to the panel a month before the workshop, and during the workshop the various experts were asked to revise specific sections of the draft. Immediately afterwards a review draft was prepared and sent to the participants and to the other people listed in Appendix A. The final report was based on the responses received, which include a number of additional contributions. Table 5 lists the final task assignments as they were carried out, and Table 6 outlines the overall schedule of the study.