... On the Modification of the Upper Atmosphere by SPS..

TABLE 1 - SPS INJECTIONS - Continued. Structural debris: if 1% of total mass brought into GEO is lost per year, either from LEO or from GEO, taking the amount and proportions from RSR,1978,p.59 , some AxlCr kg/year will result from reentry burnup and presumably be deposited in the mesosphere. This is small compared with the natural meteoroid infall of order 4x10? kg/year. Microwaves. 2% increase in heating rate in the mesosphere and 3% in the stratosphere, both locally over the rectenna (Brubaker & Rote, Oct. 1978). Small on a global basis. Ionospheric heating being studied under Task IV. See Appendix B for more details of the scenario. Note that the figures in this scenario are slightly different from the Boeing/Si scenario used in Table 4. The present Si (heavy) scenario of COTV + POTV flights calls for annual use of 2400 metric tons of hydrogen (vs 2100 for Boeing) and 20,00l) metric tons of argon (vs 25,00'0).