... On the Modification of the Upper Atmosphere by SPS..

TABLE 5 - TASK ASSIGNMENTS FOR THE WORKSHOP - Continued Turco*, Prasad, Park Vondrak*, Fedder. Garrett Aikin*, Whitten, Forbes, Rote Zinn*, Aikin, Rote» McCormac Zinn*, Aikin, Rote Park, Bauer (prepared after the workshop) Prasad, Forbes Fedder*, Richmond, McCormac, Zinn Curtis*, Forbes, Garrett Turco*, Forbes, Zinn, Prasad Pongratz*, Mendillo, Prasad Vondrak*, Rote, Mendillo, Zinn Pongratz*, Mendillo, Simmons, Prasad Fedder*, Pongratz, Bernhardt, McCormac. Bernhardt*, Mendillo, Palmadesso, Richmond Aikin*, Whitten, Forbes, Rote Zinn*, Aikin, Chiu, Rote McCormac, Carlson G. Mesospheric NO H. Electric Conductivity I. Other Experiments 3.1 Phenomenology of Hydrogen in the Upper Atmosphere 3.1.2 Fate of H^O/H^ injected in the Thermosphere 3.1.3 Some Details of the Distribution of Propulsion Effluents 3.1.4 Effect of H2O/H2 Injections on Geocoronally Scattered Lyman -a and Lyman -B Radiation 3.2 Morphology of Perturbed Ionospheric Regions 3.3 Effects on Satellite Drag 3.4 Other Phenomenology: 3.4.1 Airglow 3.4.2 Condensation and Re-evaporation in Rocket Exhausts 3.5 Listing of Potentially Important Phenomena 3.6 Atmospheric Experiments: A. Rocket Observations B. Lagopedo-Type Releases C. Ionospheric Irregularities D. Other Experiments 4.2 Phenomenology of H 0/H 2 2