... On the Modification of the Upper Atmosphere by SPS..

TABLE 6 TIME SCHEDULE FOR STUDY A. Overall Schedule 1 April 1979 - Work began 1 May 1979 - Panel established 1 June 1979 - Straw man draft report to Panel Members 25-27 June 1979 -■ 3-day Workshop 30 July 1979 - Revised Report to Panel Members 30 August 1979 - Comments received from Panel Members by this date 4 September - Final report preparation begun 14 September - Report to Reviewers (very quick turnaround needed ) 30 November 1979 - Final Report due at Argonne National Laboratory B. Outline of Workshop 1/2 day - General Introduction 1 day - Working groups (see Table 5) met separately to prepare their briefings to the panel as a whole, and their revised write-ups 3/4 day - Working group chairmen reported to the group as a whole (since there were some 30 separate presentations, this part of the program was very tight and over-ran its allocated time) 1/4 day - Summary of conclusions and recommendations