... On the Modification of the Upper Atmosphere by SPS..

The emissions often color auroral displays, and they are a prominent feature of^some high-altitude nuclear explosions. More to the present issue, enhanced 0( D) emissions have been observed during a large F-region explosive release that emitted large quantities of ^0 and CO2 (Pongratz e£ al., 1978). However, it is thought that much of this emission comes from C0_ recombination rather than 0H+ recombination (Pongratz, private communication), but J.M. Forbes (private communication) suggests that the predominant source is 0^ recombination since the reaction is the dominant path for removal of CO2 molecules in the F-region. Thus, it is not yet clear what changes in the intensity of 0(^D) and 0(^S) emissions are to be expected as a result of SPS rocket activity. The molecular oxygen singlets, 02(1A) and C^^E), are responsible for some of the strongest atmospheric emissions in the near IR, which are easily monitored. With regard to SPS rocket activity, these emissions could be affected by changes in the photochemical reaction cycle of oxygen constituents caused by water vapor. C. NO emissions. The long wavelength atmospheric emissions due to NO reactions are discussed by Ogawa (1976). In the wake of a reentering spacecraft, one should observe the strong NO + 0 chemiluminescence in the visible and near IR regions. After some dispersion, NO and N0+ IR emissions at 5.3 and 2.8 pm, respectively, might be detectable from rockets or satellites, as might resonant scattering of solar UV by the NO y-bands. In addition, the weak emission from N(ZD) at 520 nm, mainly from above 120 km, might be affected by large water vapor releases. D. NaD emission. Emissions at 589 nm are well correlated with OH emissions (Takahashi et al., 1979, and other references cited therein). Hence, changes in OH emission (see subsection A) should lead to changes in NaD emissions. 3.5 POTENTIALLY IMPORTANT PHENOMENA (Vondrak) The following issues are most relevant to the terrestrial environment and to users of operational systems: 1. Ionospheric Depletions. These include large but localized depletions associated with HLLV circularization burns, more widespread but smaller effects of insertion burns and POTV burns, and other depletion such as draining of plasmaspheric flux tubes and depletions in the conjugate region by interhemispheric transport. The major user impact affects communication in the following two ways. (a) HF skywave communication may be degraded by altering the ionospheric morphology (H, H). (See in particular Section 3.2.6.)