... On the Modification of the Upper Atmosphere by SPS..

4.5 SYNTHESIS OF MAGNETOSPHERIC EFFECTS AND POSSIBLY IMPORTANT PHENOMENA (Chiu) The two major elements of propellant release effects leading to environmental modification in the magnetosphere are: (a) deposition of COTV Ar+ beam energy in the magnetosphere giving rise to composition and density modifications of the magnetosphere; and (b) deposition of ^0 and H2 neutrals from POTV and COTV at high concentrations in the equatorial regions representing an artificial chargeexchange medium that may reduce the trapped radiation belt particles. The resulting modification of the magnetosphere also alters the magnetospheric response to geomagnetic storms. These major elements are mutually interacting, and thus it is necessary to take a synergistic approach to the problem of magnetospheric modifications due to SPS. The key questions to be addressed in such a synthesis are the following: 1. What is the time scale for Ar+ energy deposition in the presence of H2O/H2 neutral diffusion and chemistry? 2. What are the charge exchange, ionization, and dissociation time scales of H2O/H2? and How do they compare with the time scale for falling in the earth's gravitational field, taking particular account of the condensation and evaporation of H2O (see Section 2.5)? 3. How are the magnetospheric-ionospheric-thermospheric coupling processes changed in this modified scenario? The answers (or partial answers) to this sequence of questions may help formulate a synergistic approach to address the total effects of modifications to the radiation belts and of changes to the communication environment and to estimate increases in satellite drag due to thermospheric heating. A partial list of important phenomena can be made: 1. Plasma depletions (as distinguished from holes in the ionospheric F-region due to charge exchange of ambient ions with H2O/H2 neutrals). (U, H) 2. Modification in Geomagnetic Activity. Changes in magnetospheric convection patterns and in the radial position of the plasmapause will change the location and intensity of geomagnetic activity, and could give rise to powerline surges and changes in the satellite drag environment. (U, H) 3. Radiation belt modifications, including short-term reductions due to charge exchange, intermediate-term enhancement of relativistic electrons due to changes in the composition of the plasmasphere, and long-term recycling and energization of some argon ions into HZE particles. (U, H) 4. Can stratospheric ozone be reduced by the enhanced precipitation of high energy particles? (Probably not, see Section 4.4.2.) (U/L, H)