1978 DOE SPS Economic Demographic Issues

SECTION 2 REFERENCES 1. Miller, Willard E., Manufacturing: A Study of Industrial Location* Pennsylvania State University press, University Park, Pennsylvania (1977). 2. Hoover, Edgar M. , Jr., Location Theory and the Shoe and Leather Industries* Harvard University press, Cambridge, Massachusetts (1937). 3. Greenhut, Melvin L., Plant Location in Theory and Practice: The Economics of Space* The University of North Carolina press, Chapel Hill, North Carolina (1956) . 4. Isard, Walter, Location and Space Economy: A General Theory Relating to Industrial Location* Market Areas* Land Use* Trade* and Urban Structure* The M.I.T. press, Cambridge, Massachusetts (1956). 5. Smith, David M., Industrial Location: An Economic Geographical Analysis* John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, New York (1971). 6. Almon, Clopper, Jr., 1985 Interindustry Forecasts of the American Economy* D.C. Health and Company, Lexington, Massachusetts (1974). 7. Miernyk, William H., The Element of Input-Output Analysis* Random House, New York, New York (1965). 8. Stenehjem, Erik J., Forecasting the Local Economic Impacts of Energy Resource Development: A Methodological Approach* Argonne National Laboratory report ANL/AA-3 (Dec. 1975). 9. Hotelling, Harold, Stability in Competition* Economic Journal, 89:41-57 (March 1929). 10. Chamberlin, Edward H., The Theory of Monopolistic Competition* Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts (1933). 11. Lerner, A.P., and H.W. Singer, Some Rotes on Duopoly and Spatial Competition* Journal of Political Economy, 45:145-186 (1937). 12. Smithies, Arthur F., Optimum Location in Spatial Competition* Journal of Political Economy, 49:423-439 (June 1941). 13. Ackley, G. , Spatial Competition in a Discontinuous Market* Quarterly Journal of Economics, 55:212-230 (1942). 14. Emerson, Jarvin M. , and Charles F. Lamphear, Urban and Regional Economics: Structure and Change* Allyn and Bacon, Boston, Massachusetts (1975). 15. Richardson, Harry W., Regional Economics: Location Theory - Urban Structure - Regional Science* Praeger Publishers, New York, New York (1969). 16. Santini, Danilo J., An Econometric Model of Transportation Infrastructure as a Determinant of Intraurban Location* Journal of Regional Science, 75(1) (1978).