1978 DOE SPS Economic Demographic Issues

4 ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION OF SPS SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC ISSUES This section deals with the issues of industrial relocation and subsequent migration of population that may result from deployment of the Satellite Power System (SPS). Except for a brief overview of the SPS concept, this discussion focuses on terrestrial operations; specifically, the effect that large rectennae sites may have on the future distribution of economic activity and human population in the U.S. This discussion indicates how the literature reviewed in Secs. 2 and 3 relates to the future examination of these issues. Study of the effects resulting from development and operation of rectennae in the U.S. is emphasized. Given the desire to interface this white paper with other aspects of the societal assessment, some attention is also given to the related issues of public acceptance of rectenna siting, the consequences for international redistribution of industry and population, and the centralization of society. Some broader aspects of the general industrial expansion expected to accompany SPS deployment are also mentioned. 4.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE SPS CONCEPT The many elements and subelements comprising the SPS concept have been grouped in several ways, but one aggregation suggested by NASA has been most useful in considering the particular issues addressed in this white paper. NASA places elements of the SPS concept in four categories: (1) the satellite power station; (2) ground receiving and distribution sites; (3) manufacturing, construction, and maintenance; and (4) space transportation.1 The NASA overview of these categories follows: Satellite Power Station This element encompasses the power conversion options being studied. In addition to the photovoltaic and thermal solar energy conversion options, contractor studies are being performed on nuclear energy conversion systems. Each conversion option uses a rather similar microwave power conversion and transmission system as part of the satellite power station. Ground Receiving and Distribution Site This element includes the receiving antenna for the microwave beam, the utility interface with the related electric ground distribution system, the safety system related to microwave exposure protection and to the safety of maintenance and service activities, and the maintenance and service system.