1978 DOE SPS Economic Demographic Issues

SECTION 4 REFERENCES 1. NASA, George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Satellite Power System Engineering and Economic Analysis—Summary, NASA TM X-73344 (Nov. 15, 1976). 2* 1978) F°Wer> Satel^te Baseline Review by MSEC-JSC, Preliminary (July 13, 3. U.S. Bureau of the Census, Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1976. 4. Eberhardt, Anne W., Candidate Locations for SPS Rectifying Antennas, NASA TM-78146 (Nov. 1977). 5. Arthur D. Little, Inc., Rectenna Siting Requirements, unpublished information. 6. Stamper, John W., and Horace F. Kurtz, Mineral Commodity Profiles: Aluminum, Bureau of Mines Report MCP-14, Washington, D.C. (May 1978). 7. Bloomquist, Charles E., A Survey of Satellite Power Stations, PRC Systems Science Co. report PRC R-1844 (Sept. 1976). 8. Hotelling, Harold, The General Welfare in Relation to Problems of Taxation and of Railway and Utility Rates, Econometrica, 6:242-69 (1938). 9. Miller, E. Willard, Manufacturing: A Study of Industrial Location, Pennsylvania State University Press, University Park, PA (1977). 10. Lawson, Herbert G., Sea-Bed Slowdown, Wall Street Journal (July 31, 1978). 11. Baldwin, T.E., E. Dixon-Davis, E.M. Stenehjem and T.D. Wolsko, A Socioeconomic Assessment of Energy Development in a Small Rural County: Coal Gasification in Mercer County, N. Dakota, Argonne National Laboratory Report ANL/AA-5 (Aug. 1976). 12. Baldwin, T.E., and R. Poetsch, An Approach to Assessing Sociocultural Impacts Using Projections of Population Growth and Composition, Argonne National Laboratory Report ANL/EES-TM-24 (Aug. 1977). 13. Gilmore, John S., Boom Towns May Hinder Energy Development, Science, pp. 535-540 (Feb. 13, 1976). 14. Mountain West Research, Inc., Construction Worker Profile: A Study for the Old West Regional Commission, Old West Regional Commission (Dec. 1975). 15. Stenehjem, E.J., Forecasting the Local Economic Impacts of Energy Resource Development: A Methodological Approach, Argonne National Laboratory, ANL/AA-3 (Dec. 1975). 16. Bloomquist, Charles E., A Survey of Satellite Power Stations, PRC Systems Sciences Co., PRC R-1844 (Sept. 1976).