1978 Military Implications of SPS

The possibility exists that, upon operational status, the DOD will increase its manned military activity via the Shuttle. Such a possibility may result in procurement of a special DOD Space Shuttle. According to a report by a panel of the National Academy of Public Administration, shifts in U.S. and Soviet relations could result in increased Defense expenditures. Such expenditures could include establishment of a "...NASA-based civilian (and open) STO (Space Transportation Organization), and a DOD 'classified STO.' "^5) PPM - 23 Recently President Carter directed under a Presidential Review Memorandum that the National Security Council Policy Review Committee examine existing policy and formulate overall principles which should guide our space activities. Principles were set forth in the Directive/Of interest with regard to SPS are the following: The U.S. rejects any claims to sovereignty over outer space or over celestial bodies, or any portion thereof, and rejects any limitations on the fundamental right to acquire data from space. The United States holds that the space systems of any nation are national property and have the right of passage through and operations in space without interference. Purposeful interference with space systems shall be viewed as an infringement upon sovereign rights. The United States will pursue activities in space in support of its rights of self-defense and thereby strengthen national security, the deterrence of attack, and arms control agreements. The U.S. will encourage domestic commercial exploitation of space capabilities and systems for economic benefit and to promote the technological position of the United States. The Secretary of Defense will establish a program for identifying and integrating, as appropriate, civil and commercial resources into military operations during national emergencies declared by the President. While the United States seeks verifiable, comprehensive limits of anti-satellite capabilities and use, in the absence of such an agreement, the U.S. will vigorously pursue development of its own capabilities. The U.S. space defense program shall include an integrated attack warning, notification, verification, and contingency reaction capability which can effectively detect and react to threats to U.S. space systems.