1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

REFERENCES 1. Wolsko, T., et al., A Metho do to gy ^ok the Comparative kssessment o^ the SPS and ktternattve Technotogies, DOE Report (In press). BIBLIOGRAPHY Cirillo, R.R., et al., Comparative knatysis o^ Net Energy Eatance o^ Satettite Power System* and Other Energy System*, DOE Report (In press) . Habegger, L.J. Gasper, and C.D. Brown, Health and Safety: Preliminary Comparative k**e**ment o^ the SPS and Other Energy kiternativ et, DOE Report (In press). Harza Engineering, Otitity Interface Requirements ^or a So tar Power System, DOE/ER -0032 (Sept. 1978) Kellermeyer, D.A., Ctimate and Energy: k Comparative kssessment o^ the SPS and other Energy ktternatives, DOE Report (In press). Levine, E.P., et al., Comparative kssessment o^ Environmental Wet^are Ejects o^ the Satettite Power System and Other Energy ktternatives, DOE Report (In press). Newsom, D. E., and T.D. Wolsko, Preliminary Comparative kssessment o^ Land Use ^or Satettite Power Systems and ktternative Etectric Energy Teehnotogies, DOE Report (In press). Poch, L.A. and T.D. Wolsko, A Review o^ the Nactear Safeguards Probtem, ANL/EES-TT4-67 (Oct. 1979) . Poch, L.A. and T.D. Wolsko, A Review of the Nuetear Waste Oisposat Probtem, ANL/EES-T^F68 (Oct. 1979). Samsa, M., Selection of ktternative Centrat Station Teehnotogies for the Satettite Power System Comparative kssessment, DOE Report (In press) . TFW, Energy Systems Planning Division, Characterizations of kdvanced Power Ptant Teehnotogies, Draft Report, Prepared for Argonne National Laboratory (August, 1979). United Engineers and Constructors, Satettite Power System and ktternative Teehnotogy Characterization, UE&C-ANL-790831, Prepared for Argonne National Laboratory (August 1979).