1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

References 1. OECD: World Energy Outlook, Paris 1977 2. CEC: Report COM (78) 613, Brussels 1978 3. Strub A, EC Energy Structure, Proc. European Symp. on Photovoltaic Generators in Space, ESTEC, September 1978, ESA SP-140, pp. 295 4. AEG-Tfk et al, Analyse der technologischen Entwicklungs-probleme fur den Einsatz Orbitaler Systeme zur Energie erzeugung im bzw. der Energie- ilbertragung aus dem Weltraum, May 1975, RV 11 -v 67/74 - PZ - BB 74 II 5. ASA/AGF, Energiequellen fur morgen? Teil II: Nutzung der solaren Strahlungsenergie, 1976 6. GTS, Report on Study Field 'B'. . ., No. GT 78008/B-1-3, February 1979 7. Claverie M. J. and Dupas A.P., The Potential Global Market in 2025 for SPS, AIAA 79-1373 8. Claverie M. J. and Dupas A. P., Terrestrial v.s. Space Baseload Solar Electricity, IAF 79-172 9. Kassing D. and Reinhartz K. K., Energy for Europe from Space? ESA Journal 1978, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp 179-187 10. Stoewer H., Reinhartz V. K. K. and Kassing D., The SPS as a Future Europear Source, ESA Bulletin No. 21, pp 8-14 11. Stoewer H., Tilgner B. and Kassing, D., European Technology Applicable to SPS, IAF 79-174 12. ESA Symposium: Photovoltaic Generators in Space, Round Table: Space Power Generation for Europe?, Proceedings pp. 293, September 1978 13. ESA Position Paper for 1979 WARC, ESA/C (78) 99 14. Ruth J, and Westphal W., Study on European Aspects of SPS, ESA Report No. CR (P) 1266, 1979 15. UCPTE, Annual Report 1978/79 16. Collins, P. Q., Feasibility of Siting Rectenna Systems over the Sea, lEE-Colloquium on SPS, London 1979 17. DOE/NASA, SPS-Reference System Report, October 1978