1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

AN EVALUATION OF THE LAND AND MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE SATELLITE POWER SYSTEM Samuel D. Ankerbrandt PRC Energy Analysis Company Current research and evaluation of the physical resources requirements for SPS concentrated on three topics: land requirements and the siting of rectenna; the environmental impacts of a rectenna siting, and the materials requirements for SPS. The first two of these topics focus exclusively on the earthbased element of the SPS while the materials assessment considered requirements for both the space and earth systems. The identification, classification, and selection of adequate areas deemed eligible for rectenna siting is critical to further consideration of the SPS reference system. Although each specific rectenna site will generate unique environmental, social, and economic impacts, the prototype environmental assessment illustrates the range of problems which may be encountered. The sheer size and scope of total SPS operations begs questions relating to detailed materials requirements and the availability which are addressed in the materials assessment work. The methodology employed in the rectenna siting work has been one of systematically eliminating areas in the contiguous forty-eight states which could not be used for rectenna siting. Areas were eliminated through the analysis of categories of variables (Exhibit 1) ranging from those variables which would absolutely exclude rectenna siting, to those which potentially might exclude rectenna siting, to those affected by SPS design and/or cost constraints. Among the absolute exclusion variables are topography, specifically designated lands such as national recreation areas and military reservations, specific land use areas such as populated areas and interstate highways, and areas which pose problems of electromagnetic compatibility. Potential exclusion areas include specifically designated lands such as Indian reservations and national parks and grasslands, specific land-use areas such as croplands, areas which pose problems of electromagnetic compatibility, and flyways of waterfowl and and other birds. Design/cost variables included natural occurrences such as tornadoes, freezing rain, and seismic risk. These "eligible" areas are plotted on 7.5 minute quad maps roughly 13 kilometers on a side for maximum definition and the analytic results have been automated to to enhance further studies as well as the performance of sensitivity analyses. Sensitivity analyses and validation studies have been performed as part of the work. In short, the methodology for determining "eligible" areas for SPS rectenna sites is highly automated, elegant, and widely applicable. What the methodology shows is that there probably are adequate suitably-located areas for rectenna sites in the U. S. It shows that topography is the most important physical variable in determining eligible areas; sites can be placed in different terrain but only at substantial cost penalties incurred in site preparation. Important questions the methodology does not completely address are those concerning electromagnetic compatibility and the effect of microwave energy on migratory birds. Considerations for the selection of a specific rectenna site has been addressed in a prototype environmental impact statement (EIS) performed for a site in the California desert about 250 kilometers north of Los Angeles. This SPS study benefitted from data assembled and analyses performed for an EIS for a geothermal project in the same area and required only the hypothetical placement of a rectenna in the area and alteration in the analyses. The specific objectives of