1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

are: SPS is an advanced technological concept in embryonic stages of development; SPS has a scope of impact that reaches world proportions; there are many potential stages of R & D necessary before a close proximity to a go/no go decision is reached. It is a complimentary adjunct to the SPS Participatory Technology Process, a unique characteristic of the SPS CDEP. Other studies in public involvement include a study of "Student Participation" conducted by FASST to investigate methods and techniques most appropriate for student involvement in SPS Program development, and a study of the "Energy Implications of an Aging Population," by A. Cambel and Associates of George Washington University. A strategy for future public participation is currently being developed, modeled after the public outreach effort. Elements of the strategy have been identified, including the goals/objectives, target participating publics, critical issues, program tasks and methods and techniques to accomplish program tasks.