1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

SPS AND THE OFFICE OF TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT Ray A. Williamson Energy Group, Office of Technology Assessment, Washington, D. C. 20510 In August 1978, the Committee on Science and Technology of the U.S. House of Representatives requested OTA to study the SPS as a long-term energy option. Specifically, it asked that SPS be assessed with respect to other potential energy sources, and that the technological, economic, and environmental barriers to implementation of the SPS be identified and investigated. In keeping with this mandate, the OTA assessment is being conducted in its Energy Group. The study will result in a broad and independent assessment of the potential advantages, shortcomings and impacts of satellite power systems which will aid Congress in its deliberations about these systems. As such it will provide a background against which to evaluate analytical results and program proposals arising out of the DOE/NASA assessment. As a support agency of the U.S. Congress, OTA's mandate is to make independent, broadly based technical assessments which are requested by Congressional committees. The Office examines technology development and its consequences using a broad range of analysis from both internal and external sources. It does not make recommendations about particular courses of action to Congress but does analyze alternative policy directions. The preparation of the final report from each study is guided by the advice of an Advisory Panel composed to mean and women of various viewpoints. The OTA SPS assessment is divided into four categories -- Technical Options, Public Acceptance, Institutional Acceptance, and Programmatic context. Each category is the subject of a workshop of experts brought together by the OTA project staff. Prior to each workshop, a working paper on each category is prepared which serves as background and a starting point for each workshop. The task of the workshops is to extend and expand the scope of the working papers and to develop the key issues concerning the future of the SPS. OTA staff will incorporate the working papers and the findings of each workshop into its final report to Congress. The study is scheduled for completion by September 1980.