1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

12. This demonstrates the cost reduction potential possible with new rectenna concepts. The clothesline concept is only one of several possible concepts. Time and fiscal constraints have prevented us from examining a surface floating rectenna, however, Peter Collins in England has estimated the cost of a North Sea floating rectenna at about $6 billion. 13. Secondary uses, in particular mariculture, mineral extraction and hydrogen generation appear as promising adjuncts to the offshore rectenna. The possibility of wave energy extraction has also been examined briefly. Such secondary uses do not appear to constrain the basic rectenna design significantly. 14. A major problem identified with the reference rectenna offshore version is the sea birds which will be attracted to the vicinity of the rectenna and will land and roost on it. This requires further study, but it appears that the more open structure of the clothesline concept will reduce the bird problem somewhat. In Summary We have demonstrated that an offshore rectenna near east coast load centers is feasible. We have not yet demonstrated the practicality of such a system, nor has the design been optimized for cost, efficiency or minimal harmonic reradiation. The secondary and fuel generation uses remain to be fully explored. Even at this early stage we believe that the offshore rectenna feasibility has been demonstrated and that with the significant advantages of no land requirements and removal of the radiation from populated areas which may offset any additional costs, further investigation of the offshore rectenna should be vigorously pursued.