1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

Figure 5. Area Control Center Concept It is uncertain whether an area center is required to coordinate several rectenna sites. It may be that coordination is needed only by each rectenna with its respective utility network center. Separate rectenna and area centers might be eliminated if they could be integrated into a single location. Design trade studies are needed to investigate these possibilities. A number of communications implications have been drawn. Continuous contact must be maintained between the satellite and ground control center. This includes bi-directional voice, data, video, and command links. In addition, the uplink pilot beams from the rectenna are crucial to acquisition and fine pointing. The high EMI environment in the near vicinity of the satellite imposes difficult conditions for communications. From the analysis it has been concluded that there are no operational "show stoppers." The basic need is to identify in greater detail the operating characteristics and timelines of various satellite and ground system equipment with emphasis on activation and stabilization times, intervals, and sequences.