1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

culation programs, as well as to check for the existance of any plasma instability or interaction modes that might be overlooked or scaled improperly in the general models. References 1. Pike,C.P. and Lo ve 11, R. R., eds.; Proceedings of the Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference, NASA TM-73573, 1977. 2. Spacecraft Charging Technology - 1978, NASA CP-2071, 1979. 3. McCoy,J.E. and Konradi,A.; "Sheath Effects Observed on a 10 meter High Voltage Panel in Simulated Low Earth Orbit Plasma", in Spacecraft Charging Technology-1978, NASA CP-2071, 1979. 4. Kennerud, K.L.; "High Voltage Solar Array Experiments", NASA CR-121280, 1974. 5. Stevens, N.J. et al, "Investigation of High Voltage Spacecraft System Interactions with Plasma Environments", AIAA Paper 78-672, 1978. Fig. 1 - SPS Plasma Leakage Current Paths, edge view. Fig. 7 - Insulated & Noninsulated Panels Leakage current (ma) vs. Bias Voltage Applied.