1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

Both the acute and chronic studies will entail the generation of dose-response data associated with exposure to MWR spanning possible SPS design and operating conditions. Relevant topical categories of bioeffects measurement are shown in Figure 1. In addition, pertinent acute and chronic epidemiological data will also be incorporated in the assessment data base. A draft long range plan recommending a series of "prospective" acute and chronic investigations in the topical categories shown in Figure 1 has been prepared by the EPA and its Consultative Panel and, as such, constitutes the basis for subsequent program planning in this area. Effort toward planning appropriate theory/mechanism research projects has been more recently initiated by the SPSPO, the EPA and the Consultative Panel. Initial topical categories of such investigations are also suggested in Figure 1. As a start along this path several small theoretical studies involving analytic biology and numerical solution are envisioned. Through scientific workshops review of these initial efforts, possible fruitful mechanistic investigations will be sought. In broad terms, it is the aim of the theory/mechanism approach to provide possible MWR bioeffect formulations usable in designing experiments (testable hypotheses) to provide empirical evidence required to support or refute theoretical findings. Also, it is intended that theoretical formulations will provide a necessary conceptual basis for guiding extrapolations to humans of experimental results obtained for cells, rodents and small primates. The overall three-path approach and the general nature of bioeffect inferences expected to evolve over time with increasing precision (uncertainty reduction) are schematically portrayed in Figure 2. As a final note, it is understood that developments in MWR exposure technology and dosimetry will be integral parts of the research and assessment program plan.