1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

SUMMARY OF THE ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY EVALUATION OF THE PROPOSED SATELLITE POWER SYSTEM E. L. Morrison, Jr. and W. B. Grant U. S. Department of Commerce, NTIA/ITS, Boulder, Colorado 80303 K. C. Davis Battelle Memorial Inst., Northwest Laboratories, Richland, WA 99352 The EMC Evaluation program concerns the effects of the proposed SPS operations on electronic equipment and systems by fundamental, harmonic, and intermodulation component emissions from the orbital station; and the fundamental, harmonic, and structural intermodulation emissions from the rectenna site. With each satellite transmitting a power of 6.85 GW, and the reference design including 60 satellite-rectenna systems, the coupling and affects interactions encompass a wide spectrum of electronic equipments. The primary EMC tasking areas are listed. 1. Describe the ranges of beam distortion expecteo because of troposphere scatter and refraction anomalies. Short term transient modes are included to support beam control system stability and pointing dynamics, and short term interference events during periods of storm front passage or high density anomalies. 2. Evaluate the modes of SPS power coupling into susceptible systems, and the induced functional degradation. 3. Relate susceptible system performance effects to operational applications (e.g., air traffic control, utility/pipeline command/control military test range and operations instrumentation and command/control, GEO and LEO satellites, and network throughput priorities) to identify specific sets of safety and operational effectiveness impact areas. 4. Evaluate mitigation techniques to assure an acceptable performance for affected systems in SRS environments. Specify rectenna site-susceptible system separations for the rectenna siting project area for situations where safety risks, political sensitivities, and mitigation effectiveness uncertainties dictate. 5. Develop cost factor data; susceptible system investment and mitigation incremental costs related to applications and geographic areas in CONUS. 6. Evaluate beam transmission and spacetenna-rectenna characteristics for other SPS frequency alternatives. The EMC evaluation methodology is illustrated by the data flow diagrammed in Figures 1 and 2. In Figure 1, the rectenna site input refers only to the testing of specific site candidates relative to EMC variables. All susceptibility testing was site independent so as to be maximally useful to siting studies and mitigation trade-off analyses. The susceptible system categories evaluated are indicated in Figure 3. These are coupled to applications as indicated in Figure 4. Time line and decision event procedures are employed to identify operational impacts relative to affected system performance effects.