1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

Figure 1: The spectrum of- radiated noise from the SPS compared with harmful thresholds for radio astronomy. The line defined by the CCIR 224-4 points represents the harmful threshold as a function of frequency for total-power observations with single-antenna telescopes, which are the type of observations most sensitive to radio interferences. The line marked VLBI is from Burke (1979) and represents the threshold for observations using Very Long Baseline Interferometry which are the least sensitive to interference. The area between the CCIR 224-4 and VLBI lines represents the range of harmful thresholds for different types of radio astronomy instruments, when interference is received in antenna sidelobes with gain 0 dBi. The transmitter-generated noise at 2.45 GHz is from Arndt and Leopold (1978) and applies to klystrons. Similar bands of lesser amplitude will occur at the low- order harmonic frequencies.