1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

here are grossly in error with regard to frequency and magnitude of injected H20. It is emphasized that a more definitive answer to the question of mesospheric cloud formation due to repeated depositions of H20 by space launch vehicles would require much preliminary basic research into the processes and conditions involved in the transition from small nucleation particles to macroscopic cloud particles, and into the transport mechanisms and overall water vapor budget of the mesosphere. Figure 1. Mesopause temperature vs. latitude and frost-point temperatures for various H20 volume mixing ratios at 85 Km. REFERENCES Reid, G.C., ”Ice Clouds at the Summer Polar Mesopause”, J. Atmos. Sci., 32, 523-535, 1975. Witt, G., ” The Nature of Noctilucent Clouds", Space Research IX, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 157-169, 1969.