1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

the additional H must be replenished at least once a week to be maintained. This may be compared to the nominal 200 tons of H atoms introduced by every second stage HLLV exhaust. Since injection frequency will probably exceed 1 week"1 and H atoms will not have time to redistribute themselves uniformly over the globe in their 1-week thermospheric lifetime, a nominal 10% attenuation of La may be assigned to this global effect as a lower limit until more quantitative estimates are available. Figure 1. Steady-state longitudinal distribution of X at At = 1 hr and At = 6 hr after injection for T = .125, .25^ 1.0, and 4.0 days. (The latitude varies along each curve and is given by v (X/u) in deg lat, where v = .5 deg lat day"1 and X is deg long from injection.)